Wednesday 25 January 2012

Questionnaire results

Summary of what i have learnt from the results of the questionnaire

I have learnt that all the girls i have asked between 16 and 28 enjoy romantic films where are the boys between 16-17 don't enjoy romantic films. This makes our target audience very clear. Twilight is the most popular film within the 7 people i have asked this helps us to think of the style of romantic film opening we should create. There was a mixed opinion about romantic films mostly negative from the males who we asked for example they have explained romantic films are 'to soppy' and 'the men take their tops off to much' how ever there where positive things said such as 'there is good storylines' and 'makes you feel happy'. This is useful as it gives us some idea of the types of things our target audience are looking for and some of the types of things we may be able to change from negative to positive. We found out roughly how many characters where expected to been seen in the two minutes shown this was between 2 and 3. Finally we found out the type of conventions our target audience are looking for within a romantic film these where things such as 'happy endings', 'heterosexual relationships' and 'love'.  

Created by Sophie Duncombe. - summary
The questionnaire was a group collaboration as we all collected information and recorded it together.

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